Additional Rulings (Base Set)

Dark Priest’s Necklace

The player this Item card is equipped to can only use this card’s effect while it is their turn.

Heron’s Graveyard + Chrono Reversal (Used Together)

The EQUIP effect of Heron’s Graveyard cannot be negated by Chrono Reversal, as Instant cards cannot be used on Encounter cards, but if there is an effect on the newly equipped Item card and it is used, Chrono Reversal can be played in response, destroying the Item card and negating its effect. 

The Price of Freedom

Any equipped Item can be selected, including an opponent’s. 

Consuming Darkness/Divine Hammer

You may use these cards even if they would drop you to zero HP (so long as you are able to receive the healing effect for Consuming Darkness). For example, in the case of using one of these cards with your target having Gourd of the South in play, the damage and healing effects from your card will take place first, and then you’ll suffer any incurred damage from Gourd of the South.

Cards of Fortune (Expansion 1) Rulings

Deal with the Devil

Players cannot use Attack cards on the first turn, even with the effect of this Encounter card.

Robe of the Empress

This card does not let you draw an extra card at the beginning of the turn. It only lets you choose between (2) possible cards during your regular draw at the start of your turn.